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Alexander Cedergren


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Vulnerability Analysis of Socio-Technical Systems: Addressing Railway System Vulnerabilities


  • Jonas Johansson
  • Alexander Cedergren

Summary, in English

The paper presents some ideas and modeling approaches that are feasible for the study of socio-technical systems. The emphasis in the paper is to discuss two approaches concerning modeling of social and technical systems, and how they can be integrated in order to assess the vulnerability of a socio-technical system. The Swedish railway system will serve as the example of a socio-technical system throughout the paper. The first approach deals with a systematic structure of how to analyze the organizational aspects of the railway system, with the focus of identifying the response system and its relation to the technical railway system by introducing the concept of response curves. The second approach deals with a model of how to analyze the vulnerability of interdependent technical systems, and the utilization of response curves for this type of analysis. It is concluded that the approach, although at present being at a theoretical level and not yet empirically tested, can be

advantageous in the vulnerability assessment of socio-technical systems.


  • Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management (LUCRAM)
  • Industriell elektroteknik och automation
  • Avdelningen för Brandteknik
  • Avdelningen för Riskhantering och Samhällssäkerhet










  • Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
  • Other Civil Engineering
  • Building Technologies


  • Vulnerability
  • Railway
  • Socio-Technical
  • System

Conference name

Young Researchers' Seminar

Conference date

2008-11-18 - 2008-11-19

Conference place

Malmö, Sweden

