This project offers an opportunity for PhD-students from partner institutions (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway (project lead), University of Lapland, Lund University, and NArFU - Northern Arctic Federal University) to work on and develop scenario analyses regarding extreme climate change-related hazards (for example, permafrost thaw and wildfires) and their impacts on critical infrastructure in the Nordic region and the Russian North. The summer school will run in Summer 2023 in Arkhangelsk, Russia with the expectation that students continue their collaboration digitally afterwards, such that in Fall 2023, a networking event will be held in Tromsø, Norway, where students would present their findings from the summer school to local crisis and emergency preparedness actors from the relevant regions. (Contact: Jonas Johansson)
PhD Summer School - Critical Infrastructures in the Arctic
A Nordic/Russian PhD Summer School focusing on climate-change hazards and critical Infrastructures in the Arctic.