2016 - Forskningspublikationer
Vetenskapliga tidsskrifter (peer-reviewed)
- Landegren, F., Johansson, J., Samuelsson, O., (2016). A method for assessing margin and sensitivity of electricity networks with respect to repair system resources, IEEE Transactions on smart grid, Accepted for publication.
Vetenskapliga konferenser (peer-reviewed)
- Johansson, J., Hassel, H., Svegrup, L., (2016). Capturing Societal Interdependencies from a Flow Perspective – Part I: Method and Model, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, UK, September 25-29.
- Svegrup, L., Johansson, J., Hassel, H., (2016). Capturing Societal Interdependencies from a Flow perspective – Part II: Application, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, UK, September 25-29.
- Hassel, H., Johansson, J., (2016). Review of methods for measuring societal resilience and how they address critical infrastructures, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, UK, September 25-29.
- Landegren, F., Sulaman, S.M., Möller, P., Höst, M., Johansson, J., (2016). A method for assessing resilience of socio-technical IT-systems, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, UK, September 25-29.
Vetenskapliga konferenser (abstract)
- Johansson, J. (2016). Societal Consequences of Multi-Infrastructure Disruptions: Exploring Swedish National Critical Infrastructures, Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, December 11-15.
- Hassel, H. & Cedergren A. (2016). Integration of risk analysis and continuity management – using action research in a municipal context, SRA Nordic, Gothenburg, November 14-15.