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Henrik Tehler

Henrik Tehler


Henrik Tehler

Förslag till ett samverkanssystem för svenska länsstyrelser


  • Brehmer Berndt
  • Henrik Tehler

Summary, in English

This report is a first attempt to use the design perspective we have developed in earlier reports in this series (Brehmer & Tehler, 2013: Tehler & Brehmer, 2013) in practical design of a system that would help Swedish County Administration Boards to meet their area responsibility in cases of major crises and accidents in their counties. The work starts with the development of a design hierarchy with five levels: purpose, design criteria, functions, general processes and form. The purpose of the system is to help achieve the agreement among actors necessary for a coordinated crisis response. Design criteria are taken from a general analysis of crisis management as management of dynamic systems, from experience from exercises and accidents and from the Method Concept developed by MSB to provide a common ground of values to guide decision making. A function structure showing what the system must produce to fulfill its purpose is developed. Problems were encountered when this function structure was to be translated into form due to the fact that very little validated scientific information to serve as basis for concrete design propositions could be found when searching general processes. More serious was lack of information concerning prediction systems to help the system handle future developments and that the Method Concept has not been developed to handle prioritization problems. Despite that, and some more minor problems, it proved possible to actually design a system. The final system has two components. The analysis unit that analyses the situation from a holistic perspective to come up with suggestions about how to handle problems of coordination and problems currently not handled by the crisis management system. It also handles non-controversial coordination issues. The decisions on nontrivial issues are made by a negotiation unit. These two units are supported by a structure providing the information that is necessary. We interpret the fact that we managed to actually produce a design for a system as evidence that the design perspective does what it promises to do: to provide a basis for design of management systems for crisis and accidents management and we conclude that work along the lines suggested in our earlier reports is well worth pursuing.


  • Avdelningen för Riskhantering och Samhällssäkerhet








LUCRAM, Lund University


  • Other Civil Engineering


  • Design
  • Designforskning
  • Ledning
  • Samverkanssystem



Report number



  • LUCRAM (Lund University Center for Risk Analysis and Management


  • ISSN: 1404-2983