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Jesper Falkheimer


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Trust and Brand Recovery Campaign in Crisis: Findus Nordic and the Horsemeat Scandal


  • Jesper Falkheimer
  • Mats Heide

Summary, in English

The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze a transboundary crisis, focusing crisis communication, from the perspective of an involved major corporation. More concretely the intent is to increase under-standing of how Findus Nordic in Sweden managed the crisis communication response and repair of it´s corporate brand during and after the horesemeat scandal in 2013. The case study is founded in a theoretical framework that consists of three theories or concepts: transboundary crisis (Boin, 2010), image repair strategy (Benoit, 1995) and the rhetorical arena (Frandsen & Johansen, 2010a; Frandsen & Johansen, 2010b). Findus Nordic followed it´s corporate values and applied a consistent image re-pair strategy: denial and shifting the blame towards the supplier Comigel (Benoit, 1995) in an ex-tremely multivocal arena. This strategy was supplemented with evasion of responsibility. Very close to the end of the public crisis Findus Nordic used the crisis as a possibility to recover their position and started a campaign that led to increased and positive brand value.


  • Institutionen för strategisk kommunikation








  • Other Social Sciences
  • Communication Studies

Conference name

International Communication Association (ICA) annual conference 2014

Conference date

2014-05-22 - 2014-05-26

Conference place

Seattle, United States

