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Nicklas Guldåker


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Geographical analysis of residential Fires and underlying socio-economic factors in two Metropolitan Cities in Sweden - towards an analytical model


  • Nicklas Guldåker
  • Mona Tykesson
  • Jerry Nilsson
  • Per-Olof Hallin

Summary, in English

Residential fires are often unequally distributed over residential
areas. In a Swedish research project - Residential fires in the metropolitan
areas - underlying factors behind residential fires are analyzed in the
cities of Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. A central research
question is how geographical differences between residential fires and
underlying socio-economic factors in the cities can be analyzed,
interpreted and used as part of a fire prevention work. The purpose of
this paper is to develop an analytical working method that can help
emergency services to perform spatial analyses of residential fires and
underlying factors in urban areas. The analytical working method is
developed stepwise through: 1) building a spatial regression model with
socio-economic variables that can explain most of the variance in
residential fires in the cities of Malmo and Gothenburg. 2) analyzing the
results of this model together with officials and decision-makers from
the emergency services and the cities. The purpose of this analytical
working method is to make use of it in fire prevention directed towards
specific fire-exposed urban areas. Accordingly, an important research
question in the paper is to examine how this spatial approach can be
implemented in fire prevention. The developed analytical working
method contains guidelines for the creation and analysis of a spatial
regression model with the support of geographic information systems
(GIS), and how the results can be interpreted and used as a basis for the
development of policies of action plans to prevent residential fires.


  • Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Human Geography


  • residential fires
  • fire prevention
  • geostatistical analysis
  • Participatory GIS
  • urban areas

Conference name

Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 2016

Conference date

2016-03-29 - 2016-04-02

Conference place

San Francisco, United States




  • Residential fires in metropolitan areas - spatial differences and fire safety work in the socially fragmented city