Årets upplaga av sommarkursen VIU-Critical Infrastructure Resilience är virtuell med anledning av den pågende corana-pandemin. Kursen går den 7 – 25 september och där i år är det Jonas Johansson från CenCIP som undervisar på kursen. Pandemin till trots så har vi 12 st välmeriterade deltagare i årets upplaga. För mer information om kursen, se nedan.
VIU Summer School on Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR)
The Covid-19 pandemic is the most recent shock that has affected our societies, and there are still significant uncertainties remaining for 2020 and 2021. Decision-making is the single most effective factor in conditioning a successful recovery and building resilience for the crises to come.
In its fourth edition, the Summer School led by the University of Rome Tor Vergata offers pragmatic framework and a tactical decision-making tool for resilience. The tool is actively used by professionals, public authorities and academics. The course has a scientific approach combined with a hands-on interactive format designed for a multi-disciplinary audience.
Academics and professionals come together to offer this course because resilience is a key feature, whether we work at the city, business or sector scale.
The course consists of a mix of theoretical knowledge, case studies/projects and hands-on exercises. This school will discuss the concept of CI and aims to provide the participants with (i) a clear understanding of what resilience means for their work, (ii) methods to assess opportunities and priorities, and with (iii) a series of existing decision-making tools used by companies and countries.
FacultyErdem Ergin, Tor Vergata University of Rome / UNDP (Coordinator)Louis Boutaud de la Combe, Business CoachCarlo Giupponi, Università Ca’ Foscari VeneziaCarlo Papa, Enel FoundationGiovanni Valtorta, e-distribuzione
Federico Carturan, RiskAppJonas Johansson, Lund University